Hey. I never really come to this site. But I felt like a lurk tonight. And I happened upon this. And I think I can help so I will try a reply.
Love amongst themselves. I'm drawn to 1Corin 13 Love never ends, all will pass away. The one thing that will remain is love. Love is a fruit of the Spirit. Christians will manifest deep love for people, and most importantly they fall in love with God. This love is almost supernatural. Find a church family with genuine love. This love must be full of Grace (Unmerited favor) there must be no conditions placed on it. It must not be an 'effort' or 'work' for the person supplying it. The only work of God is to 'believe' John 6v29 This is because the Spirit does the rest. Jeremiah 31:33-34 also Hebrews 10:16-17 also Ezekiel36v25 john7:38
Preach the Good News. In Acts, Paul is 'led" by the Spirit showing him who and where the gospel was to be targetted. The disciples were also 'filled' with the Holy Spirit for preaching the Gospel. The majority of Christians will be led by the Spirit into many different life circumstances where we will meet the very people God is looking to target. Let me explain.. There is no such thing as a coincidence... Because we know this, and God speaks to us directly in many ways, we will have the confidence to introduce Jesus to our acquaintance in just the right way and time. Other Christians will have a bolder Calling. They Pastor or lead groups reaching out to the community at large. All Christian churches also have free groceries, meals, accomodation and even transport solutions for the most vulnerable in our community. Usually the most despised people in our community I might add. Also Christian churches will financially support missions. The congregation will get updates on these missions the church is specifically helping to fund. Many of the churches members will have done some mission work. Mission is basically planting churches. Have you heard of Gideons? Is there any bible in any hospital, hotel room or waiting room that was not placed there by that particular Christian (non denom) organisation?
Gather together for worship. The church is the Bride of Christ. God takes what the world thinks is foolish and glorifies it. Jesus Christ was crucified, put to shame. It is totally laughable to the ancient world, and even in the modern world that we would call our Wonderful King - a man who was crucified. A death dealt only to the despised and ugly, as it was even illegal for Roman citizens to be executed this way. How fitting then that the bride of Christ is the Church, an ugly thing to those whos eyes have not been opened. Even long time Christians struggle with it. It is not neccesary to attend a particular church. But it is neccessary to have some Christian fellowship. If church does not suit many churches will have small bible studies or many other opportunities for social interaction. Anyone who belongs to Christ is a member of the Church. To belong to Christ one needs to 'know' God specifically through Jesus. John10 Also read 1Corin 12 regarding each playing the part determined by God for them to play in the Church.
You need to pray on this. If you ask, and listen patiently, you will hear. xxx